
Showing posts with label spring market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring market. Show all posts

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Real Estate Slowdown? Where?

Real Estate Slowdown
So all I have heard from the media lately is .... Housing market is going to flatline (National Post),  Housing market shows signs of cooling (CTV),  Housing market slows, Numbers are down, etc.  You are starting to get my drift !!

Well, I eat, breathe, sleep real estate and all I can say is: WHERE???  This sure isn't happening in Durham Region or in the east end of GTA.   I can only speak of what I see and what I know.  I heard the President of CREA last week speaking at a Leadership Conference I was in and she used a line that stuck in my head. "Is this what you THINK or is this what you KNOW?"   And it very true.

People run around saying all kinds of negative things and yet all the buyers I have that find the house they like, usually end up in multiple offers.  It is happening everyday.  SO?  I ask you - where is all this negativity coming from ???

Interest rates are at an all time low !  I remember in 1989 my mortgage was let's stop with all this "end of the real estate market" as we know it.  House prices are still 2-5% higher than last year and if the home is presented properly, it SELLS in a minimum amount of time.

Don't feed the negative frenzy.  Agents are looking for listings because we have buyers and not enough good inventory out there.  If you want to sell you home quickly, do your homework.  Clean, fresh, less clutter, a good agent and comparable market price and you won't have a problem.

So if you are thinking on buying or selling your home, don't listen to all this nonsense.  It seems whenever the media has a slow day, they pick on real estate.  LOL  :)

Real estate STILL IS and ALWAYS WILL BE your best investment.  Ask your parents, or think about 20 years ago if you knew then what you know now !!    The rate of  return is second to none !!  Ok, my rant is over !!
On that note, if you are thinking of buying or selling an want a candid honest opinion, I would be happy to come by and meet you and discuss it.

Have a super day !  Cheers xo

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Good Time to Start

I hope everyone is off to a great start for February. 

This is the very beginning of what is traditionally a busy period in the real estate industry.  Chances are, a lot of great properties are going to be listed for sale over the next few months.

You may not have had plans to move, but if you are entertaining the idea, it makes sense to take a closer look at what's happening in the local market.  This is a good time to see if there are any opportunities that interest you.

You might even be inspired to attend a couple of open houses or viewings. 

If there is anything I can help you with in this regard, please give me a call.  I would be happy to give you the inside story on the porperties that are available and help you decide whether ornot it makes sense to take a closer look.

All the BEST !  xo

Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy 2010

Happy New Year everyone !!!! We have a clean slate and a fresh start to what I think is going to be a brilliant year in real estate. The market is healthy, sales are up and interest rates are still low. What more could a buyer or seller ask for !

I do see the interest rates slowing increasing over the course of the this year, so if you are still sitting on the fence, now is definitely the time to bite the bullet and get searching for that home of your dreams.

If you are considering selling, I foresee a Spring market with a lot of inventory. If timing really isn't a major issue in your decision, consider selling sooner rather than later because you will have less competition and who knows what the interest rates will be down the road and how they will effect the house prices.

Some interesting tidbits, you might want to keep in mind:

The non-refundable Home Renovation Tax Credit (HRTC) is based on eligible expenses for work performed or goods acquired after January 27, 2009, and before February 1, 2010, in respect of an eligible dwelling, pursuant to an agreement entered into after January 27, 2009.
I have attached the link for more information here:

As far as Land Transfer Taxes, please find a link to a calculator to help you figure it out below:

Latest Market Watch (December 2009) released from the Toronto Real Estate Board is also an interesting read if you are considering making a move.

And don't forget, if you have any real estate questions that you need an answer to, please don't hesitate to email me at and I will do my best to get it answered for you quickly and efficiently.

On that note, have the best year yet and I look forward to working with you in the future.

Monday, February 9, 2009

What the heck?

Well here we are in the first week of February and all the media has to say is about how bad the ecomony is and the recession will be long lived and BLAH BLAH BLAH !!!! I personally am off to my best start ever and last week sold a listing on the very first day it went out on TREB with TWO, not ONE, but TWO offers within 24 hours. So what is all the whining about !!!! :)

I think no matter what the media has to say, there will always be people out there looking to capitalize on the extremely low interest rates and great prices. On the other hand, if you are thinking of moving up in this market, THIS IS the time. When the market rebounds, you can make a killing on some of these homes.

Yes I know that sounds mean but the bottom line is, real estate is safer than ANY investment you can make. I am sure you have all heard how your parents bought their homes for $16,000 and worked for pennies etc., we now those houses (some of them anyways) are worth 300 to 400K. Where on earth would you get that return on your money ..... NO WHERE .... except maybe a lottery !!! : )

So lets stop thinking its the end of the world and capitalize on this. It is simple. Any way you look at it, there are deals to be found, money to be made and money to be saved. The market isn't dead. The market is what we make it !!!!

Good or bad, people will always want real estate either for investments purposes or security in their futures and now is the time to BUY !!!!!

If I can be of any assistance to anyone, please feel free to call my cell at 416-300-3004 and I would be happy to provide you with a no obligation home evaluation or discuss what is available out there to buy and get out of paying rent and someone else's mortgage !!!

The Spring market is around the corner !!!!!

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