
Sunday, January 13, 2019

Open House or Not To Open House?

Ok so here goes !!!  

This may not make me many fans in the business but I for one, do NOT believe
Open Houses are for the benefit of the Seller to sell their home, nor are they in their best interest.  Over the years of doing Open Houses, I can tell you that I have spent countless wasted hours sitting in people's homes waiting for the front door to open.  But if you are selling, think about this.... you are letting complete strangers walk through your home (and yes, the Realtor will try and get a phone number and identification for security purposes).. but we are by NO MEANS policing it.

Most agents ask for the information to try and find a buyer who isn't working with an agent to sell them something else.

Many of the people coming through your home at an Open House, are unqualified and/or unrepresented.  Some are nosy neighbours, some are professional "Open Housers" that love walking through strangers home for decorating ideas and some are just driving by and stop to check it out.

I can tell you, if I was selling my HOME, I wouldn't have one.  I would want only qualified buyers coming through with their agent.  What is the point of kicking you out of your home on a Sunday afternoon, so someone can use your home as an office to try and find some new business .. because for the most part that is what they are doing. 

If someone is genuinely interested in buying your home, or viewing it, they will call their agent or the Listing agent (who will ask the appropriate questions).  I would rather have  10 qualified showings than 30 people going through my home that are unqualified and mostly just nosy.

Also there is a security issue.  Homeowners are told not to leave out expensive belongings etc.,  but you never know.  Not only the issue with people stealing or  removing something that isn't theirs but also for the agent sitting in your home alone.  There have been numerous issues where an agent was put in a situation where they shouldn't have because of being in a home all alone.

I am not discounting agents that do them.  Some love them and want to do them and try very hard but for the most part, I think sellers make agents think it is a way of earning their money.  I can tell you that I can spend two hours on the internet at home in my office, promoting and marketing your home to potential buyers way better than sitting in your kitchen waiting for the door to open and then do you know what many of them say walking in???  "How Much is This House?"  Well if you don't even know the price, clearly you are not interested really ... Come on.

I can't tell you how many times I have been asked doing an Open House..."if I buy through you will I get a deal?"  The answer is NO.  You won't get a deal.  I am working for the Seller and if you want a good deal, go find yourself an agent to bring your offer and let's see who comes out on top !

I work for my clients the same way I would want someone to represent me.  They are hiring you with their biggest investment.  Treat it that way.  It is an HONOUR when someone chooses you to sell their home.  Be Honourable !!!  Give them the service they deserve that puts their mind at ease and SERVE them !!!

I know some agents will be annoyed or think I am wrong or they sell a lot of homes by double ending them because they work Open Houses and good for you but to me, my reputation is what I pride myself on.  You can agree with it or not but no one will doubt when they are working with me that I am putting their INTEREST before money and before transactions and awards.

If Mr. Seller doesn't want an Open House, trust me, he isn't missing out on anything.  I also am the same way with signs   Many of my listings do not have signs.  Signs are for agents advertising themselves.  If someone wanted a home on that street, they would be looking at the internet or social media or the newspaper etc.  Signs to me don't sell houses !   Signs get calls from neighbours.  :)  Most of my homes have sold without signs.  Sure it doesn't give me name recognition but it gives me happy clients who want some PRIVACY !  ... The whole neighbourhood doesn't need to know they are selling.  :)

Ok that is my thoughts this chilly Sunday afternoon.  Have a great day and remember, I am always here for a question or to answers any of your real estate needs !

Michelle Makos
Royal Heritage Realty Ltd.

P.S - If you are an agent who puts out signs everywhere, please do us all a favour and pick them up when your Open House is OVER, it makes us all look bad !!!  Especially when I drive by on a Saturday night and see your Open House sign still up from Saturday.  Really?   Great impression !

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