- Credit Card Companies
- Schools and Colleges
- Government Agencies
- Bank and Investment Services
- Subscriptions
- Relatives, Friends, and Neighbors
- Past and Present Employers
- Doctors/ Dentist
- Accountant
- Lawyer
- Insurance Agent
- Church
- Organizations/Clubs
- Water
- Electric
- Gas
- Telephone
- Cable TV
- Other
- Water/Milk/Food Products
- Newspapers
- Diaper Service
- Notify Post Office
- Other
- Checking
- Savings (IRA's, RRSP's, other)
- Safe Deposit Box
- Health
- Life
- Auto
- Home Owners
- Check with insurance agent on coverage of life, car and household goods en route to new home.
- Dry Cleaning/ Shoe Repair
- Prescriptions
- Obtain school records for children
- Obtain birth and church records for all family members.
- Check to see if your will must be rewritten when moving across provincial or state boundaries.
- Obtain any legal records.
- General
- Dentist
- Optometrist
- Specialists
- Veterinarian
For The Moving Trip:
Have car tuned up for trip
Leave keys and any necessary legal papers with your real estate agent
Make a list of your credit card numbers in case of emergency or theft
Pack Immediate Necessities Bag
- Medications for family and pets
- Kids favorite play things
- Change of clothes for all family members. Include a bathing suit.
- Legal papers/medical records